Monday, June 25, 2007

Dad's Fishing Trip

Dad spent last week in Alaska fishing.
Needless to say, he had a really fun time!

Dad on Jim Smith's boat


(90 lb. halibut)


Dad and Doug Barduhn

More Salmon

Going Home



Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

That water looks amazing! Who would think Alaska would look like that? Those fish are equally surprising. That halibut was gigantic. Good job dad!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! That looks like it was a blast. I sure can't wait for you to get your boat, Ron, and all of us son-in-laws can go out and have a fishing trip as great as that. If they're nice, we could even take Derek and Chad, but not Meagan, she would make us look bad.

Anonymous said...

That must have been fun to reel in those big puppies. I know how that feels cause I've caught a few large carp in my day. I'm glad you had a good time dad!

April said...

That is a huge fish! Did you find room in your freezer for all of it?

Derek said...

Man, I'd go to Alaska just for the halibut!

April said...

I've been waiting for someone to use that win Derek!

Heather said...

Dad didn't get all the fish he caught. They had to split all the fish in 5 ways. But we have PLENTY.

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

Derek pulled out an old "Days of Our Lives" Jack's joke. (From Chad) He broke up a wedding you know. (Jack that is...not Derek...right?)

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

I'd go to Alaska just for the trout.

Jared and Melissa said...

Alaska one more time, when's the next post coming up?