Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fishing Fools!

First stop: Ole Sullivan
Our lone fishing poles sat for two days with only one bite...

One baby bass. (Good looking fisherman though)

On to bigger and better -- Sun Lakes!
Our fishing poles were not lonely here. A fish every few minutes.

I cast out my own line and caught it myself.

Cleaning a batch of fish at the new cleaning station.

Sun/wind burned face. Red lips you say? Dad drank a red pop and it was quite embarrassing til the color wore off!

New docks.

Kids swimming area.

Back home with the moon over Yakima.

It's good to be home!


Jared and Melissa said...

Looks like you had a good time. The water was sure a long ways down there at ol sulivan. Did you ever walk all the way down mom? Now, I guess its time to pack up your fishing gear and get out your grandparenting gear. Grandchildren 8 and 9 are almost here!!

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

With those red lips and think dad could pass for a Mrs. Doubtfire.

April said...

We have already looked at these pictures a hundred times today. Jaden keeps wanting to see Grandpa and Grandma with their fish. He is a little concerned though that he didn't see Buffy in any of the pictures.
Sunlakes does look a lot nicer since they spruced it up.

Heather said...

I am glad you guys had fun!

Heather said...

Are you going to get a new post soon?