Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Thanks for the replies. I had no idea it would be so easy for all of you. Jones were first and Chad and Buffy were on the right track.There was not one real answer but here would have been the $10000 answer.
While flying;

Defeat of deduct goes over defense before detail.



Heather said...

very clever Dad!

Scott said...

IS this the language they speak in Ontario?

April said...

Good thing I've got Scott to help me out, I didn't get it until he explained it to me. I couldn't figure out what any of that had to do with flying.

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

Still don't get it.

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

Nevermind--I just reread it. Got it now!

Chad Hatfield said...

That is almost the exact same thing that I wrote, except I used one of the words as a verb as you suggested (deduct as they ducked --your answer didn't use any of the words as a verb). Please mail me the $10,000 in cash by first class mail. Write "careful, this is loaded with cash" on the outside. I don't want to take any chances.